Jessica Stam & Luke Worrall shot by Steven Klein is following the trend of paint and color splashing. I think this is my favorite so far because it's such a beautiful editorial. I also love Vmagazine for incorporating men and womenswear, blurring the line and further encouraging androgyny. Clothes can be sexless, it's the social impositions that differentiate what is and isn't, what's male and female. Although I'm not that avant garde in wearing dresses and printed gowns, I still think Luke Warrall is beautiful in the pictures and clothes.
Source: Vmagazine.com
it's luke worrall !!
i love the ads, so edgy - but they kinda distract me from the clothes a little? i don't think i'm sophisticated enough to understand this one...
I delight in androgyny/gender fluidity.
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