[ymc bag, $225 (left) | Union Red Suit, $48 (right)]
I love that bag. Perhaps it's because I'm still on that toggle kick from the duffle jacket two entries prior. I also want that traditional one-piece pajama suit. It's too cute. The rest are also kind of obvious why they're desireable, especially that last zip up hoodie. I like the flap around the neck. I need to open a new credit card.

[ b.son silk sweater, $334 (left) | Houndstooth Scarf, $68 (right) ]

[ shades of greige zip hoody, $122]
Photo Credit: Oaknyc.com
I relish the pajamas.
you SO need that b.son sweater. i adore it. i adore you. it all works, see?
I would love to have that red suit for Sunday breakfast..
that scarf is a total rip off! i got one just like it at a teeny store by notre dame in paris for five euro!
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